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This book was written by Dr. Brown in response to another book, “Kosher Jesus” written by prominent Orthodox Rabbi Shmuley Boteach.

This informative work answers the question of how Christian churches are to understand Messianic Congregations both in the U.S. and Israel.
The authors explain the necessity of why the Christian churches in the United States and abroad must unite and partner with the Messianic Church in the U.S. and in Israel.

Walid Shoebat was born and raised in Bethlehem, Israel. He grew up and trained to be an active terrorist. His journey will keep you on the edge of your seat as you see an inspiring story of divine transformation. Walid Shoebat is and ex-muslim terrorist who was born and raised in Bethlehem, Israel. He grew up and trained to be a terrorist but through research and study he discovered that Islam was a counterfeit religion and discovered that the real God was not Allah but the God of the Bible.

Kamal Saleem was trained as an Islamic terrorist and came to the US to recruit disgruntled citizens to join the Islamic cause. When a terrible accident befalls him, a chance encounter with a stranger – who should’ve been his enemy – brings him to a crossroads.  What happens next will blow you away.

This is a book compiled by Sid Roth based on the stories of 10 Jewish people (including Sid himself) that details their search for truth and meaning and what they, after much searching, discovered.

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